I don't really understand what the point of all this is if the most voted posts ever, like this one, or the multilingual function and others are ultimately not even taken into consideration and planned.
Cubcol Express
MassimilianoLikewise, if this post that has this amount of votes was not taken into account, it would be left for others, I think that in the end you can throw away and publish the idea you want, they will take the one they want, no matter the throws, that is my personal opinion.
Cubcol Express I believe that a community like in this case is created to try to understand the gaps in the system and what we creators would like from goodbarber. And if what is highly rated isn't even taken into consideration then I think we all aren't doing a good job of improving Goodbarber.
Cubcol Express
Massimiliano Exactly, friend, that's how it is, for example, the thing about payment gateways for an e-commerce store is vital, in fact, the heart is the most important thing and we have asked for 10,000 kisses to add some others since stripe and paypal are the only things and they ignore it in the botations of these posts and even telling you what the price of the service is for. If I pay it and nothing and I emphasize it is something that is mandatory for an e-commerce store, it is not about improving something for beauty but rather something fundamental is like an athlete without legs Goodbarber
Mirko Zein
Funzione uscita con iOS 13, e mai rilasciata ancora per noi nel 2024
Manjeeth Rai
Dark mode option should be in the settings section.
Ryan Maher
Totally agree! This is highly requested. Seems like we could make a copy of the current theme and then just modify colors to appear as a dark version, then there could be a button or toggle to go between them. Dark, light, or device settings.
I would like them to integrate a function that allows you to switch from light mode to dark mode