Ability to Mark As Read or Mark As Complete
Sharla Walker
My app has a heavy learning component and it would be nice to have the templates for those of us who are providing education in our articles to where users can mark the article as read or complete. I reached out previously before in regards to having templates that are more friendly for providing education. Such as being able to upload audio into an article template without having to use HTML to do so. And the ability to have articles stringed together as different lessons without having again to add HTML buttons to link them together.
Unfortunately, because we are limited with the JavaScript that we can put into the template, many of us are limited on being able to give users the experience knowing what lessons they’ve completed by reading the articles. I’m attaching a photo of my navigation menu where users ideally would be able see the number of articles that they have read in each with the progress bar filling up in each area depending on what they have completed.
Luis De Gouveia
It's a great idea and very important. can your application be downloaded?
Sharla Walker
Luis De Gouveia I’m still working on the updates but it will be soon! I figured out a work around on the marking as complete.